Surrender Album

Surrender Album
Sarah’s full length, 9 song album, buy it digitally, or buy the autographed CD.
Pre-order the 9 Song Album now, exclusively from Sarah Angel . The album will release on November 11, 2021, in honor of Veterans Day, and in honor of Sarah’s late father George Angel (whose birthday was 11/11), and late Grandfather, Herbert Wengel - both US Navy Veterans. The album will not be available to other music sellers or streaming services until late November, 2021.
The pre-purchased album includes the Mp3 download for ‘Dear Grandpa’, the albums 1st single (release 11/11/2020). The digital download link for the Album’s remaining songs (True Love, Morning, Stranded, Surrender, We Had It All, More to life, Sob Story, and Angel) will be emailed out on 11/11/2021, at 11:00 EST